

We recently hosted a successful ‘Girls and Boys Day’ at INTOCAST AG, where we welcomed young students aged 13-14 from nearby schools and some of our staff’s children for an exciting day of exploration and learning from our EXPERTS.

The students spent time in each department, including production, the technical team, IT, Sales, Marketing, Finance, and HR, gaining insight into our operations and the critical roles each team plays in our company. At the end of this busy day, we proudly presented to them our latest production film, to creatively summarize what we at INTOCAST are all about.

It was a fantastic opportunity for the next generation to see the dynamic world of the refractory and steel sector up close. And we hope to have ignited a new passion in these potential future EXPERTS ON FIRE!

Featured in the above image from left to right: Mia Sophie Neveling (Grade 7, Ricarda-Huch-Gymnasium), Leander (Grade 7, Dietrich Bonhoeffer Gymnasium), Elias Kopotz, Jonas Gernand (Grade 8, Haaner Gesamtschule), Yunis Metelmann, Moritz Höffken (Grade 9, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Gymnasium).