

For the third year running, INTOCAST AG’s Weihnachtsbaum-Wunschaktion (Wishing Tree Campaign) has brought smiles and holiday magic to children in need—made possible by the incredible support of our employees across all sites.

This tradition is a true team effort. Colleagues from Ratingen headquarters, the Duisburg production plant, the Krefeld Technology Centre, and the Oberhausen facility join forces with Café Lichtblick in Ratingen. Christmas trees at each location are decorated with wish lists from children, and employees step up to make those wishes come true.

Every year, this initiative reminds us of the power of community and compassion. INTOCAST employees ensure that every gift is thoughtfully wrapped and delivered on time, spreading joy to children and families who need it most.

While we’re running full speed ahead all year long, the holiday season gives us a chance to pause, show solidarity, and make a difference where it really matters. As we deliver the gifts to Café Lichtblick, we are reminded once again—giving is the best gift of all.

Happy Holidays from all of us at INTOCAST!



In the photo: Romay Wahl, CFO INTOCAST-Group (left), Julia Czichon, HR INTOCAST AG, Vanessa Kuntzig, Board secretary INTOCAST AG and local children from Café Lichtblick.